Real Estate Chatbot for property Developers & Managers | Hekma

Real Estate chatbot can do for you?

follow-up & feedback

Chatbots can help you reengage interested customers. Engage them by providing insights into your offerings.

Schedule property
viewings & virtual tours

Chatbots streamline appointments
& facilitate informed site visits.

Offer mortgage

Mortgage applicants can contact chatbots first. Online mortgage
questions simplify the process.

Lead qualification
& segmentation

Chatbots collect key information from site visitors and qualify leads based on their potential and preferences.

Instant property
information sharing

Chatbots give clients access to detailed property information immediately, helping them make informed decisions.

Market analysis
& insights

Chatbots can offer real-time market
insights by integrating with real estate databases.

Document processing
& management

Chatbots collect and manage necessary information and documents for property transactions.

Chatbot Demo

Engage customers and capture leads with the lead nurturing chatbot for real estate. You can customize the chatbot’s text, flow, images, and property listings according to your needs.

Choose the platform

Create workflows that work for you by integrating with a variety of apps.

Is there any chatbot for the Real Estate industry?

There are several chatbots designed specifically for real estate. Real estate businesses need chatbots to handle tasks like property inquiries, appointment scheduling, and market insights.

How are real estate agents using AI?

Agents use AI to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences. Market trends are analyzed, customer preferences are predicted, routine tasks are automated, and data-driven insights are provided.

Where can I install the chatbot?

We support the deployment of the chatbot in Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram and website chat widgets.

What are the benefits of using chatbots in real estate?

With chatbots in real estate, you can provide 24/7 customer support, qualify leads efficiently, automate routine tasks, and engage with clients more effectively. As a result, customer satisfaction increases, efficiency increases, and conversion rates increase.

Are you ready?

Start using the real estate chatbot

Don’t stop now. Take charge. Get a chatbot for real estate.

    Get in touch

    To crank your business up, meet us online. We’d be glad to assist you!